ONLINE PUBLICATIONS and E-TEXT part 2 ////////////////////////////////////// Buzznet This was one of the first e-zines around and it just keeps getting better. Filled with talented writers from all over the world that create an eclectic and innovative mix of some of the best stuff on the net. It is perhaps one of the most creatively assembled e-zines on the web and can stand on its own with any printed publication. There is music, comic and cultural reviews and a column on anti-social behavior all done with a sense of humor and upbeat verve that makes it a jolting joy to read. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting on Technology - Indiana University A journalism class takes to the Web! Indiana University's School of Journalism is offering "Reporting on Technology" for the first time this semester. Students in the class are learning to write about this fast-moving cultural phenomenon and are using the Web as a resource for finding class information, exploring links to a wide variety of network-based reporting and publishing resources -- and for the publication of their own Web-based magazine! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Word Detective Home Page The Word Detective is a bimonthly newsletter on words and language. TWD features myriad strange little graphics, awards cats as prizes for readers' questions, and in general aims for the large grey area between Monty Python and the Oxford English Dictionary. Well done and fun resource! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Journalism Review Web Resource Center (AJR) The Journalism Web Resource Center, set up by American Journalism Review, has been expanded and updated. Here's what the site contains: * An extensive guide to journalism-related sites on the World Wide Web, with commentary to help you decide if you should make the jump. Topics include publications on the Web, free speech, organizations, hot stuff, j-schools, the important boring stuff, and articles about online journalism. * A resource guide for AJR readers. This includes our submission guidelines, the current Table of Contents and sample articles. * A list of more than 40 awards, grants and scholarships available for journalists, with contact information and deadlines. * A Journalist's Guide to the Internet by E-mail, a story that appeared in AJR's January/February 1995 issue that has been updated with hyperlinks. It describes discussion lists that deal with journalism and related topics. American Journalism Review is a monthly magazine that covers the inner workings of the media and analyzes coverage of important issues. It's based at the University of Maryland. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanderings Meanderings is a monthly interactive journal of politics, art and culture from a distinctively, but not exclusively, African American perspective. Visit the Meanderings home page and select "Current Issue" from the menu. For additional information about new features, please read the notes below and also check out the "What's New" page at the website. Contents: --------- 1. Beyond Oppositional Trickeration -------------------------------- After stating that "White folks weren't always white," Bill Benzon explains how white people got to be that way. 2. Female Identity, Male Domination, and Black Power Movements: We're Not Just Black Power Groupies ------------------------------------------------------------ We're Not Just Black Power Groupies Stephanie Mason discusses the role of women in the black power movement -- and what it should be now. 3. Poetry Feature: Akua Lezli Hope ------------------------------- After you read these four poems, you'll understand why we're so pleased that Akua has agreed to serve as Meanderings new poetry editor! 4. The Jivometric Genius of Rahsaan Roland Kirk -------------------------------------------- The nice thing about electronic media is that it isn't print! So drop whatever it is you're doing, and explore Rahsaan Roland Kirk with us. This multimedia tribute features Rahsaan's own words, some interesting imagemaking by Bill Benzon, and some historical insights by Tom Rossen. And then, put your thinking cap on and . . . Enter Meanderings' Bright Moments Contest (details on the web!) ----------------------------------------- 5. Little Spirit in the Forest: The Art of Joshua Humphries -------------------------------------------------------- Joshua Humphries is an excellent young artist, illustrator and storyteller. Here he hints at the possibilities of the new electronic media, and what a hint it is (a small version of his image appears above left -- check out the full size version)! 6. about the gun (i wasn't licensed to have one) --------------------------------------------- Mike Bowen has graced the pages of Meanderings with his poetry before and we're pleased to have him back again. And looking forward to the prose he's got coming our way! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixWorld Online Magazine UnixWorld Online (UWOL) is the free Web-based reincarnation of the technical "Hands-On" section dropped from the McGraw-Hill publication "Open Computing" which was known as "UnixWorld" Magazine before its name was changed as of the January 1994 issue. UWOL includes technical feature articles, practical how-to tutorial articles, Rebecca Thomas' "Wizard's Grabbag" column, hardware, software, and other product reviews, Ray Swartz' "Answers to Unix" column, and a media (largely book) review column written by Walter Alan Zintz. A Unix users paradise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) This might be a little too technical for the avaerage user but it contains a wealth of information that is always accurate - always on target. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everybody's Guide to the Internet Gopher to: select -> Net Info thewn select-> EFF's Guide to the Internet and finally select -> Updates FTP to: in the--> /pub/Net_info/Guidebooks/Everybodys_Guide/Updates A monthly newsletter which is sort of like a guide and sort of a primer and sort of different. Look in the "Everybody's_Guide" root directory before moving on to the updates. This is put out by the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) and is a very well written resource. Good stuff! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet-On-A-Disk email to: Subject: Newsletter request Body: subscribe Internet-On-A-Disk your@address A newsletter on public domain electronic texts, books, government manuals, and other free sources of info and software. Includes pointers to various other free resources. This might be a good way for public schools to get needed info into the classroom at a great price (free). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New on the Internet! email to: Subject: None Body: nothing need be typed - the newest issue will automatically be emailed to you (as per the email address you sent the request from) An updated collection of various places to surf to on the 'net. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good - this is worth getting in any case. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetSurfer Digest or... email to: Body: subscribe nsdigest-html (for the HTML version) Body: subscribe nsdigest-text (for the plain text version) A fairly new offering that spans a wide range of Internet related topics and is not limited to Web issues or is WWW exclusive.and resources. Usually a fast read but its varied info and interests make it a worth while e-text to read and savor. Contains links/pointers to other resources and info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Mirror A solid and well done e-zine. OK - maybe it's not really an e-zine but it looks, feels and tastes like one. In any case, this is well worth the time to surf on over and check this publication out. Links, pointers and other relevant info (plus well written info) make this a cut above the normal and tired digital publication. Hey - the newness of digital pubs is over - it's time for some substance - and this VM delivers the goods! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBNEWS Another well-written if not erratic offering. You never really know quite what to expect but whatever it is - the info is always fresh and fun and usually informative as well. Who said learning new things wasn't fun? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Edge A publication that is done by a private individual - this guy knows his net stuff. Really good info reeks all over this one and it is maintained and updated monthly. Check this one out and be prepared to love it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberSurfing Written by Jason Romney from Australia. Now that's Aussie for surfin' mate! Usually well done although the breadth and length of info is not always certain. Worth the surf over to check it out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bits and Bytes Gopher to: then select--> Electronic Journals FTP to: look in the--> /periodic A decent publication but why do so many start to look alike? Even though the info in here is well described, useful and educational in nature, it seems that other online publications that deal with the 'net have much the same info as this one. Still... it is worth reading especially for the K-12 crowd. Nothing fancy and nothing threatening or perverse. A good safe source for kids, adults and public institutions (schools). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberwire Dispatch Gopher to: A **** four star online blurb that is short, sweet and to the point. Sometimes irreverant and funny - sometimes informative and serious, it is always very good and doesn't take long to enjoy. Get this now! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buzz Online Tired of trying to keep up with all that's hip and all that's not? Find out about all the cutting edge trends, info and fashions. Has insiders' views on the latest and greatest - usually way before it ever hits the east coast folks (US). A fast and furious read - you may become addicted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effector Gopher to: FTP to: This online publication is put out by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and always has good news about legal hilites, rulings and ramifications of online and/or digital activities. Read this regularly if you can. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTWIRED The digital version of "Wired" magazine (hard-copy). It's erratic and when it's good it's very good but when it's bad it's very bad. I'm not sure what those guys over there do but the ups and downs of this e-zine are extreme. Perhaps the espresso machine has been on the blink lately... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Monthly Report (IMR) FTP to: in the --> /in-notes/imr/imryymm.txt FTP to: in the --> /internet/newsletters/ IMR announces the online accomplishments, milestones, and problems encountered by a variety of organizations and individuals in the Internet community. A huge (albeit informative) document. It is over 120K in size. Mac users - TeachText or SimpleText isn't going to handle this one... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- META Magazine A good publication but is only available in HTML format. Of course there is a HTML-to-Text application out there for Mac users that cannot handle the HTML format. This utility application will strip the HTML codes out of a HTML document and leave the user with a plain text file. Look in sumex-aim (or mirrors) to get this HTML-To-Text application it is called "HTML Markdown" (Just thought I'd mention this application). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WebSurf The info in here is largely non-web in nature but this publication does offer some good advice on how to write web pages and other HTML tips. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mac Net Journal News and views on what's happening around the Internet with a slant towards Mac related information. Check this out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art Bin WWW page Art Bin is a Swedish/international forum for art, literature, music, cultural politics etc. Here you will find articles, essays, poetry, fiction, paintings and music as well as some rare classical and other source texts. Much of this material could be useful for educational purposes. The editorial language is English, but several texts are in their original languages, e.g. French, German, or Swedish. THE ART BIN features classics like Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Smith or Marx in the original languages, but also more rare material like the fragments of Novalis (in German) and the Exercises in style by Raymond Queneau (in French). Some very old texts are here as well: Chaucer's "A Treatise on the Astrolabe", (the first technical "manual" in the English language) or Swedish provincial code of law from the 14th century (in old Swedish). In the Gallery section you will find not only images, but also music and texts: Collages with text by Jan Stenmark, paintings by Lena Ryd`n, prose (in English) by Jukka Lehmus, music by Dror Feiler and Jorgen Adolfsson ... THE ART BIN's editor is Karl-Erik Tallmo of Stockholm, Sweden. He is a writer and contributor of cultural articles to various Nordic dailies and magazines. The editor may be reached at e-mail --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nisus Publishing Nisus publishing offers info pages in both Swedish and English about services (writing, editing, translation, graphic design, HTML-tagging). Also some hints for avoiding anglicisms in Swedish, useful for those who frequentliy write in both English and Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossroads magazine WWW home page CrossRoads magazine has established a World Wide Web Homepage to mark the Fifth Anniversary of publication. Fifty issues of the magazine have been published since the pilot issue of June 1990. The magazine was launched at a time of great demoralization and uncertainty among almost all parts of the political left, in the U.S. and internationally. The graphics in the pilot issue included "fractals", graphic depictions of Chaos Theory, reflecting the belief that order and a new direction for left politics would emerge out of the political chaos of the period. Five years later, CrossRoads is now looking toward the end of the century with rising hopes. There is a lot of progressive organizing underway in this country and around the world, and every month CrossRoads draws out the lessons and ideas of these efforts. The Web page features information about the magazine, including summaries of back issues, cover artwork and the full text of selected issues of the magazine. In addition, several articles from each issue are posted on the IGC conferences, under the title "crossroads". If you've never heard of CrossRoads, check it out. And if you have, check it out anyway to see what you might have missed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKEW Magazine online SKEW is an arts & entertainment magazine published exclusively on the World Wide Web. "SKEW" is produced using Fractal Design Painter, Macromedia FreeHand, Adobe Photoshop, a bunch of Net-related applications, and the talents of a few writers that love to get feedback! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding Listserv lists via WWW A new WWW site for finding LISTSERV lists. It is part of the project and is growing at a rapid pace as new listserv sources are being added. It is a heirarchically organized index to LISTSERV lists, grouped by name, topic, settings, etc, with a free-text search ability (via the freewais-sf). ---------- Sub-topic "" is available at: htpp:// Tile.Net is a searchable index of information available to the Internet community. also has indices to all Usenet groups, FTP sites, and computer products vendors. A growing and well-done searchable resource! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knowles German English Translations http://www. Announcing a new homepage for translations: Knowles German English Translations. Come and stop by at and check out rates and other services. Interesting links to sites in Germany and hilarious translations are also included. Unexpected fun and great info all at the same time! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJR's Journalism Web Resource Center This web is set up by the American Journalism Review and has been expanded and updated. It has also moved so previous addresses are now out of date and will not offer access to the web page. American Journalism Review is a monthly magazine that covers the inner workings of the media and analyzes coverage of important issues. It's based at the University of Maryland. Please update your links if you have any that point to the old address --> Here's what the new site contains: * An extensive guide to journalism-related sites on the World Wide Web, with commentary to help you decide if you should make the jump. Topics include publications on the Web, free speech, organizations, hot stuff, j-schools, the important boring stuff, and articles about online journalism. * A resource guide for AJR readers. This includes our submission guidelines,the current Table of Contents and sample articles. * A list of more than 40 awards, grants and scholarships available for journalists, with contact information and deadlines. * A Journalist's Guide to the Internet by E-mail, a story that appeared in AJR's January/February 1995 issue that has been updated with hyperlinks. It describes discussion lists that deal with journalism and related topics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Savetz Online For FAQs, other articles and further info - use Kevin's personal page at: Computer Journalist and Internet expert Kevin Savetz has updated his free Web article archive. It contains a smattering of his recent articles from Internet World, Web Week, Cyberspace Today and other magazines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOYCE WANKABLE online magazine JOYCE WANKABLE originates from Winston-Salem,NC. This e'zine features poetry, fiction, music reviews, local anecdotes and local "flavor". Some of the flavors taste good but some of the flavors taste bad. In any case here is another digital e'zine completely free for the public to peruse. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnCover Home Page The UnCover Company has now made access to its UnCover database and other services available via a home page on the World Wide Web. UnCover provides table of contents indexing from nearly 17,000 journals worldwide. In addition to database access, UnCover's home page provides information about services, pricing, and a copy of the current UnCover Update newsletter as well as back issues. A list of all UnCover titles is also there and will be updated on a monthly basis. This list can even be downloaded via FTP. Future plans include a glossary of UnCover terminology and a quick guide for using UnCover. This site and its database is expanding at a rapid rate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacWEEK's WWW site MacWeek online. I sure miss David Ramsey's column... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZDnet (Ziff-Davis Interactive) This is a great resource for computer and technology information that includes all of Ziff-Davis publications online, downloadable software, computer industry news and analysis, story updates, special articles that are not to be found in printed editions and more! The included publications are: MacUser, MacWEEK, PCWeek, PCMagazine, ComputerLife, PC Computing, InterActive Week, Computer Gaming World, Windows Sources, ZD Europe and other informative links. A growing service that needs to be seen! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventure OnLine Gaming Adventure Zine is a monthly fantasy fiction web magazine featuring original art and fiction. It includes exciting interactive graphical hypertext adventures. Adventure OnLine Gaming Home Page describes a human and computer refereed True role-playing game. Features intelligent talking monsters, multiple players, 3D graphics, and advanced chat. Also includes a test of your games playing abilities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harvard Computer Review Online (HCR Online) The Harvard Computer Review (HCR) is the Harvard Computer Society's online magazine dedicated to reviewing trends in computing. It is produced entirely by HCS members, and has been completely converted to an online format. The HCR Online is published approximately every month, consisting of software and hardware reviews, feature articles, and columns. If you would like more information about the HCR Online publication or more information on the HCR Online reviews, send email to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- infoZine FTP to: using ftp the the most recent issues are in various formats ZINE9505.EXE Neobook PC Edition ZINE9505.SEA MAC Doc Maker Edition Note that as each new issue becomes available the names will change but the extensions (.EXE and .SEA) will let users choose which format is best for their needs. ---------- Let's get on with some explanation of infoZine... I thought you folks would like to peak in on a digital publication published from Kansas City, Missouri. Here is some info straight from the publisher... Welcome to infoZine, Kansas City's Premier Digital Monthly Magazine. infoZine was first published in August of 1994. Then, we published a new issue every two weeks. In 1995, infoZine became a monthly. Still with all the great writers, articles, cartoons, features, pictures, graphics and easy interface as before. infoZine is a member of the Kansas City SysOp Association and the Digital Publishing Association. infoZine will always try to bring you articles and cartoons that will enhance your life. A life that is varied and complex. You don't live in a shell or a cave where only one topic, one subject, will satisfy you. Your life is full with the inter-connectivity of the world. Hence, we bring you infoZine. A magazine for the generalist among us. May it spark you and your family on other investigations. infoZine is free to Sysops and free to users. The magazine does contain advertising. Not much, but some. It's the only way to make this available to every one. infoZine is published by the fifth of each month. Please check us out - it's worth reading! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mutual Funds Magazine - contains Articles, Screen Fund Database, Financial Calculators, etc. Mutual Funds Online This is a 100% FREE site sponsored by Mutual Funds Magazine * SCREEN our 6,000-fund database * READ the full text, plus graphics, of every article ever published in this 350,000-circ. national financial monthly magazine * DOWNLOAD fund prospectuses and account-application forms * VIEW price charts and reports for thousands of funds * USE our 'total return calculator' to get the performance for any fund over dates that YOU choose * SEARCH through all articles for keywords * ACROBAT versions of every article (as an alternative to HTML) * PHONE NUMBERS and WEB SITES for every fund sponsor * PERFORMANCE RANKINGS: 4-week, 13-week, 52-week, including "top funds of the day" * TALK to our Editors, submit story ideas, comments, suggestions, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet Comics Newsletter The Internet Comics Newsletter is an attempt to provide information via WWW to anyone interested in comics and all of their facets. The newsletter is pretty much in its final format, but your feedback is always appreciated! In the future, the following is planned: Regular distribution schedule (bi-weekly) Reviews of mainstream and independent comics Images, sounds and other fun stuff Editorials, opinions, comments Contests and polls A look at upcoming releases Anything else that may be interesting to readers! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE List of Free Computer-Related Publications THE List of Free Computer-Related Publications is a list of print magazines, newspapers, and journals related to computing which can be subscribed to free of charge. The database of publications is continually growing and more are being added almost on a daily basis. Please be advised that all the publications that are in this list are always free of charge to users. This is a great resource list! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HomePage Cards(tm) Don't keep your new Web Site a secret. Here is another way to let people know about your new Web site, home page or new URL. This is a free service. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETLiNkS! NETLiNkS! is an online cyberspace guide that has been officially online for about a month (April 1995). In that time it has been honored by being picked as Spider's Pick of the Day, Funky Site of the Day, and Windows Magazine & Netguide Hot Spot of the Day. They've recently added a new and improved web interface to help make navagating this site much more easier. Offerings include a large dose of web sites and web resources. Newbies can find help with the Newbie Help Link, which is a comprehensive page of info for beginners using the web. Experienced users can check out the frequently updated HOT List. Also included is a unique listing of Canadian Resources, as well as African American Ethnic Links. Take the time to check it out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New York Times Online (TimesFax) This news service is available for downloading to read/view on your monitor or print out using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Each day at midnight the NY Times puts out its online version which is a compilation of the day's most important news stories, news briefs and the crossword puzzle. This .PDM document is usually 8-12 pages and is always worth the download. Stay up to date on the world's most important news! The NY Times delivered to your computer every day at no charge! A great service - a definite *must* read. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVISTS! A high-level comic book that has become quite controversial lately. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popular Mechanics Home Page The very informative magazine comes online! Excellent home page and well done online publication make this a wonderful resource. Can be used as an Educational resource as this magazine has many useful articles that pertain to new advances in the world of technology and machines. A *must see* site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feed Way cool! This is fast becoming one of the best reads on the WWW. Always freash and different with a perspective that will turn your head 'round. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The [Virtual] Baguette A better set of talented and open minds providing insightful, intelligent and provocative reading - you will not find. Now *this* is worth the surf! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pathfinder (Time-Warner site) All sorts of links to Time Inc., and Time-Warner publications. A bigtime heavy hittin' site. Although this site somewhat promotional in nature there is still lots of good info and great reading here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Zines A great listing of cutting-edge and "alternative" electronic publications that are available on the web. A handy reference list for e-zine surfers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NewtNews NewtNews is a weekly freeware Internet newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton, and other related industry and PDA information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------